Wednesday Night: “The Church in the Last Days”:

A Bible study of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

Bible study series at 6:00 pm:  in person and online study

Supper at 5 pm


Student Worship and More!
Sunday Morning 10:30 am


“not … to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45)
If you have an interest in serving in the following ministries please
let us know by indicating that on your Connection Form and thank you!
Baptisms /Buildings & Grounds /Cemetery
Children / Decorations/ Hospitality /Library
Media /Security/ Visitation /Students

Church office hours are 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Monday through Thursday / Linda Reedy – Secretary
Pleasant View Baptist Church
19197 County Road 12, South Foley, AL 36535

For your convenience we now offer golf cart rides
from your car to the building. Simply “honk your horn”
and someone will give you a ride to the door.
Sunday School Opportunities starting 9:15 am

         By God’s Design                         4 years to teens                    2nd floor                          Hope Hayden
         Journey                                       coed adults                           Chapel                            Jerry Wood
         Ready                                          adult men                              1st floor                            Gary Flowers
         Ruth                                             adult women                         1st floor                            Lena Peed
         Unity                                            coed adults                           2nd floor                          Sharon Friday